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Bedding plants for a modern, colourful garden

With the right bedding plants, you can create a colourful, cosy garden without too much effort.

Place the plants in a border, a few stylish plant pots or baskets, or hang them from a fence. To keep your garden up to date, we selected a few specific bedding plants to fit each garden trend. Let's have a look!

Wild and natural
The natural, wild garden is still a big trend this year. Natural materials, growing your own veggies and herbs, and sustainable gardening all fit within this trend. For bedding plants, you can look at colourful plants that look great growing wild, like marigolds, daisies, or a Dahlia.

This year's calm, soft and minimal trends are reflected in our gardens as well. Pastel hues, round shapes, soft structures and romantic plants. For a soft garden, the Hydrangea, Vervain, and Bacopa are the perfect picks.

Let your garden go a little crazy with this year's futuristic trends. Bright colours, graphic patterns, or strange shapes take over our backyards, and bedding plants like the Fuchsia, Dipladenia, or Petunia fit these alien-like vibes perfectly.