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Styling with lilies

Lilies can be used for a large variety of floral arrangements, from a simple wildflower bouquet to futuristic set design and meaningful housewarming gift. It’s well known for its role in funerals, but we’d like to highlight the happier side of this fascinating, colourful flower.

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All the shapes and sizes
Artist Georgia O’Keeffe was mesmerised by the lily, and we get why. The sensual, unique shape of the flower has inspired and fascinated people for centuries. Lillies come in calming white, bright yellow, shaped like a trumpet or a bowl, striped or dotted, smelling heavenly or not smelling like anything at all. The flower also symbolises a large range of things, like femininity, fertility, purity and transience.   

Experimenting with lilies
Waterlilies speak to the imagination, and it’s easy to spark that imagination even without a garden pond. If you have some lilies left over from a bouquet selection or styling project, place them in a transparent bowl or cube filled with water. Because lilies look a little futuristic by nature, styling can be an all-out event. Nothing is too crazy when it comes to lilies. Combine the flowers with iridescent vases, shiny metallics or place them in test tubes. 

Can't get enough of your lillies, or do you want to turn them into true works of art? Drying them is easy and the results stunning. Use a flower press or heavy old book to dry the flowers. You can frame the dried petals or use them in other styling projects.