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Levoplant: at the forefront of innovation

Levoplant was the first grower to install a fully automised grow system for its Phaleanopsis cultivation. Many others soon followed. Cultivating in cups, and applying invisible codes on the pots were also unique Levoplant developments. Working from the vision that a company should be trustworthy and deliver quality was their main mission.

Today, Levoplant continues to develop innovative products, including some exclusive Levoplant-grown plant cultivars. Levoplant also delivers Phalaenopsis by variety and introduced a brand new Phalaenopsis consumer brand, named ILikeĀ®.

Levoplant strives for quality and trust. Quality means delivering top quality Phalaenopsis and Cordyline australis every day. Trust means always sticking to agreements. All to be and remain the best supplier of orchids and Cordyline australis. Quality is crucial at Levoplant, from product quality to the quality of working conditions. Levoplant holds various certifications, including MPS Florimark, MPS ABC, and MPS Social quality.