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Lansbergen Orchids specialises in Oncidium, Zygopetalum and Brassia varieties

Theo and Toos Lansbergen started out in their own greenhouse in 1968. Over the years, they grew many different products: tomatoes, irises, chrysanthemums, nerines, haemanthus and bouvardias. By 1994, their sons Marco and Patrick had their own nursery where they also produced bouvardias.

In 2000, they switched from bouvardias to an extensive assortment of exclusive orchids. Because their company kept expanding, they moved in 2019 to a new location that would give them more space (36,000 m2). Since then, Lansbergen Orchids has specialised in growing around 70 different Oncidium, Zygopetalum and Brassia varieties and expects to add many more in coming years. Together with a breeder, the company continues to produce new varieties with improved fragrances, colours and spikes.