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Handelskwekerij Gebr. Grootscholten

Specialist in a wide range of seasonal flowering plants.

This modern nursery in Kwintsheul in the Dutch Westland area grows a wide range of summer-flowering annuals, cyclamen and other seasonal products. With their excellent eye for detail, Gebr. Grootscholten are specialists in the sale of small quantities intended for day trade.


Their range is constantly changing. It contains around 50 different summer-flowering varieties in spring, followed by cyclamen and seasonal products in autumn and winter. They are always looking to expand their assortment, for example by adding exclusive or better quality varieties that complement the existing range.

Armed with thorough knowledge, Gebr. Grootscholten grow a high-quality range. Combined with the high standards they set for delivery, this ultimately results in a complete product. The plants are grown sustainably, using geothermal heat as a source of energy. Now that the cultivation area has been expanded to 5 hectares, there is plenty of room for growth and Gebr. Grootscholten is ready for the future.