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Double the fun with potted chrysanthemums

Colour is the trump card of potted chrysanthemums. Red, purple, pink, orange, yellow, white and green: anything goes with potted chrysanthemums.

With their warm appearance, they lovingly infuse any place with a colourful dose of optimism. Guaranteed to put smiles on faces! Potted chrysanthemums are not only popular indoors in a beautiful pot, but also outdoors (as long as the temperature stays above zero). You could also choose multiflora chrysanthemums, the so called garden mums, and turn any backyard or balcony into a colourful sea of flowers. 


In Europe, we adore potted chrysanthemums, but nowhere is the plant as popular as in Japan. Kiku, as chrysanthemums are called there, can be found depicted on the Imperial coat of arms, on Japanese passports and on 50 Yen coins. What's more, the Japanese revere the plant during the annual Festival of Happiness, because potted chrysanthemums are said to bring good fortune. It's enough to make the plants shine!