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Rulers on stems

You can’t change the size of your customer’s the garden, but if they have a small garden you can advise them to get rulers on stem. These plants create the illusion that the garden is bigger and arouse curiosity of what’s behind.

Instead of using a full hedge as a separator, plants on stems create a sneaky see-through of what’s actually behind.  

Plants on stems have the power to enrich every garden. It doesn’t matter if it is a green, tiled, small or large garden; a plant on a stem will always be of great value. These plants create height differences, which creates dynamics. Going into heights, ensures that you will not see the garden in one eye blink. This makes the garden seem larger and more spacious; the best for a small city garden. Additionally, plants on stems will make your garden greener while they don’t take much space. There are a million possibilities to combine these plants: in a border with lovely ground covering grasses, group different sizes of shrubs on stems together or put a single one in a pot to be the eyecatcher of the terrace.


There is a wide range of plants on trunks. Whether you would like a plant that stays green through every season, one that’s winterproof, a spring bloomer or an autumn bloomer. A ruler on stem for every garden!