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Tea from your own garden

Herbal tea not only tastes nice, but it is also healthy. Fresh herbs can help against all kinds of ailments, like a cold or a dry cough, but they are also great just to relax and unwind. Did you know that it’s very easy to make fresh herbal tea yourself? Especially when the herbs are from your own garden!

Make your own sage tea
Have you just had a busy day? A mug of sage tea is highly recommended, as it will help you relax. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is good for digestion. And if you have a sore throat, sage leaves will soothe the pain. In the olden days, sage was used to help you sleep. Do you have trouble falling asleep? Drink a mug of homemade sage tea before you go to bed.

Inspire your customers to grow their own herbs to make fresh herbal tea: rosemary for calming the nerves, thyme tea helps against a sore throat and mint reduces stress and eases hunger. A herb to suit every ailment! Check out our range of herb plants below.