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Spring celebration with daffodils

When you see daffodils, you just know that spring is nearly upon us. With their trumpet-shaped flowers, these cheerful chaps herald in the new season in their own way. They are perfect for a spring bouquet but will also brighten up any garden – as if someone had poured out a pot of gold all over it.

Named after a demigod

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a vain huntsman – the son of a god and a nymph – who was so in love with his own reflection in the water that he eventually fell in and drowned. In that very spot, a flower emerged that equalled Narcissus in beauty: the daffodil (which also bears the Latin name Narcissus). That is why daffodils always seem to be looking down; it has the same posture the handsome huntsman adopted when he was sitting by the water admiring himself.

Beautiful yellow

Pastel yellow, ochre yellow, golden yellow and yellow verging on orange – daffodils come in many shades. Yellow makes you feel active: it gives you optimism and energy and stimulates mental activity. It is the perfect colour for your workshop, hobby room or office. Daffodils represent new beginnings, as this flower announces a new season. In other words, a bouquet or arrangement with daffodils is the perfect gift at the start of a new project. A good and yellow start is half the battle, right?

Daffodils as an endless source of inspiration

Daffodils are one of the most appealing flowering plants ever. Could it be because of the cheerful shape of their flowers, or because there is almost something human about them as they nod their heads and dance in the wind? The fact is that daffodils have been a source of inspiration for many artists. They appear in paintings by Salvador Dalí and many others, and several poems and songs pay homage to the yellow spring flower.

Let the winds of spring blow into your store with daffodils. Check out our assortment of this cheerful cut flower and plant below.