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Standing out together – Ansu

Ansu is a flower plant nursery located on Middenzwet in Wateringen, in the beautiful Westland region. ‘At Ansu, we cultivate with great passion and strive to bring the best quality to the market.’

Ansu started growing Vandas in 1994, and the sale of these plants began in 2000. To this day, Ansu remains the only nursery in Europe cultivating these beautiful Vanda orchids. Vandas are sold as cut flowers and as plants. They are unique due to their beautiful vibrant colors and the various patterns and prints on their leaves.

Over the years, Ansu has expanded its range. Ansu also wanted to focus on cultivating Tillandsias and Aglaonemas. Since 2019, they have been selling Tillandsias in different concepts. In 2020, Ansu decided to cultivate one of the strongest green houseplants, which is the Aglaonema. They now have over 35 plant varieties in our assortment, including Aglaonemas and other beautiful plants.

Ansu’s most recent concept is our "Tilly Tiles." They have embarked on transforming Tillandsias into a new form. This has resulted in the creation of Tilly Tiles, which are ceramic saucers with various small Tillandsias growing on them. The idea behind Tilly Tiles is that you can collect many saucers and create a beautiful garland that can be hung anywhere.

Together with their Thai partner, Suphachadiwong Orchids, they strive to provide the flower and plant world with the most exclusive products. "Together we have one goal: standing out together!"