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Colour all year round with citrus

From green leaves in autumn and winter, to white blossom in spring, followed by orange, yellow or green fruits in summer; the citrus tree does not disappoint in any season!

This Mediterranean tree loves to bring colour into our lives and carries a high dose of sun-drenched festivity. During the spring and summer months, a wonderful fresh-sweet scent surrounds the citrus that cheerfully buzzing insects are only too happy to attract. With a little love and care, this tree will be full of delicious fresh fruit every summer, perfect for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day.

This Mediterranean tree loves to bring colour into our lives and carries a high dose of sun-drenched festivity. During the spring and summer months, a wonderful fresh-sweet scent surrounds the citrus that cheerfully buzzing insects are only too happy to attract. With a little love and care, this tree will be full of delicious fresh fruit every summer, perfect for a refreshing drink on a hot summer day.

Check out our full range of citrus below.