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Garden Orchid

There are a lot of different species of Orchid that survive in almost all parts of the world. For all varieties counts that they go into hibernation during the winter and come back in the Spring to show their beautiful flowers.

Pleione with spectacular flowers

Pleione is an orchid that grows from pseudo-bulbs, and has huge Cattleya-like flowers. Unlike the other winterhardy Orchids it is possible to keep this variety also as a houseplant. Like Daffodils or Tulips, after flowering Pleione can be planted in the garden. New bulbs will appear and will flower again during the next Spring. In the garden Pleione has an exceptional appearance and puts all other plants in the shade. Read more


The easy Bletilla

You will recognize the elegant Bletilla immediately as a real orchid. Bletilla is a real Orchid for in the garden which is very easy to maintain for all types of gardener. Originates from the Far East, China. It is one of the first Orchids to be grown in Europe, proof for this goes back as far as the year 1794. The plant was described for the first time in 1853. Through its similar looks with Bletia (named after the Spanish botanist Don Luis Blet) this variety got its final name: Bletilla. Read more


Evergreen colourfull Calanthe

Garden Orchid supplies strong hybrids of various species like Calanthe. This one is special for many reasons. The leaves of this variety remain green during the winter. Of all existing Orchids, Calanthe has almost certain the biggest range of colours available. Certain varieties spread a nice, sweet coconut-like scent. Most Calanthe flower from April - June, but there are also varieties that flower in August – September. Read more


Cypripedium - the king of winter hardy Orchids

We call it the King of winterhardy Orchids as it supports temperatures well below -25°C. The flowers are very special. The variation in colours among this species is huge, with snow white flowers through yellow, pink and purple to almost black. The size of the flowers can vary from 1 to 10cm. The flowering season is from April until the end of June. Read more