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Wonderful 24th place for Noviflora in Hillenraad100

The Hillenraad100 is the annual ranking of the hundred most prominent companies in the horticulture sector. Only one per cent of businesses in the Dutch horticulture sector make it into the Hillenraad100.

 A spot on this list is a true acknowledgement for leading entrepreneurship. This year, Noviflora moved up 30 spots in the rankings to the 24th place. A result we all worked hard for together, and one we’re incredibly proud of.

Jury report:
"What Noviflora has managed to accomplish in the past two years is very impressive. Or just smart: there's a reason why this plant export company introduced 'clever' as one of its core values. Clever in the way the supply chain was made more efficient. Noviflora made big adjustments to create the shortest route possible from greenhouse to shop, within markets where they have conquered a position as market leader in the past 45 years. Innovative is the tool that allows their customers to join a plant hunt virtually. It's impressive to see how Noviflora is willing and able to throw out old practices in order to sail a future-proof course."