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Stofbergen Plant Company – Passion for bromeliads

Stofbergen Plant Company has a passion for bromeliads. For more than 30 years, they have been supplying a range with a wide variety of shapes, colors and pot sizes.

The bromeliads are divided into a number of product lines such as the well-known bromeliads and guzmanias, the new compact types and a number of unique specials such as the tillandsias and pineapple.

When you look at a bromeliad from a distance, the first thing you’ll notice is its colour or shape. Every species of bromeliad is special and unique. The Ziva is distinctive for its bright pink colour, but if you zoom in, it has another little surprise. The pink bract protects the tiny purple flowers that will emerge over time. A tillandsia crossed with a vriesea, renamed vrieslandsia by nurseryman Ed Stofbergen. With every strain, you discover something unique. Maybe it's the trichomes, the small and soft hairs under the leaves like in tillandsia Dolce. Or the hues, going from red to white to purple, in our new Elena. 

An unusual plant, that finds its own way in the jungle and attaches itself to trees with roots. The leaves are a tasty snack for monkeys. And the water that remains in the plant's tube, that makes it very easy to care for, gives life to nature's biodiversity. Doesn't matter whether you look at the bromeliad from afar or up close, one thing is certain: it really is a work of nature's art.