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Trend report

Joyful Ambiance

The most solemn month of the year is festooned with sober elegance. We create and surround ourselves with still lifes, characterised by clean lines and simplicity, and beautiful, lush floral arrangements.

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Trend report

Christmas 2023 is (almost) here

Before we know it, December will be here again and homes are bathed in a warm glow of festive lights and colourful decorations. But before the traditional Christmas tree with red baubles is brought out, this year’s Christmas trends are worth taking a different tack this holiday season.

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Trend report

Pumpkin season with florist Tiffany

When you think of autumn, you think of pumpkins. Inspired by these colourful fruits, florist Tiffany van Lenten rolled up her sleeves to create a decorative autumn arrangement.

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Trend report

Autumn Cosiness

We find ourselves in a restful in-between period, withdrawing somewhat and allowing life to continue around us. At the same time, we are starting to contemplate the December holidays.

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Trend report

Subtle gems

Cooler mornings usher in a new season. A season of faith and peaceful silence that leads us to seek contemplation and escape reality. Memories of summer blossoms meet playful imagination on fluffy, round clouds.

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Trend report

Botanical inkwork

Tattoos are thousands of years old. Even in prehistoric times, people walked around with tattoos and decorations on the body have also been found on mummies of the ancient Egyptians. They are often used as decoration, but because of religious beliefs or for identification as well.

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Trend report

Earthly tones

When the summer's most sweltering heat has settled, we enter a calmer, more intimate period. The notes are muted, burnt and inspired by faraway countries.

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Trend report

Playful Vibrant

Without a moment’s thought about tomorrow, we fall straight into this summer’s most colourful beach party. Imagination knows no bounds and the more colours you mix, the happier the party will be!

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Trend report

Floral Paradise

Right now, we want nothing more than to go outside and be overwhelmed by the awakening of nature. The energy feels featherlight as we surround ourselves with floral splendour. There is a sense of open-mindedness and playful uncertainty in the air; in the extreme antics of wild animals and in the wayward plan of the flower bud.

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Trend report

Sundial Touch

We welcome the rising temperatures by surrounding ourselves with the colours of the sun; an explosion of dark yellow shades. With our sights set on summer, we leave the pastel mania of spring behind and dive head first into a sea of yellow warmth.

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