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Outdoor plants

Ode to Violets

It’s not quite spring yet, but here at Noviflora, the first spring flowers are already popping up. Of all the spring flowers, violets are still our favourite. They come in all shapes, sizes and colours, and you can mix and match to your heart’s delight. Let’s take a look!

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Trend report

Bloom Refreshes

In eager anticipation of spring, we imagine and shape this long-awaited time as we want to remember it. How many colours can the bract of an anthurium flower contain?

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Cupid's Valentine Wreaths

What is it that makes Valentine's Day so special? Could it be that this day is all about romance and love, or maybe because your shop is filled to the brim with flowers and plants in every shade of pink and red? Whatever the reason, Valentine's Day decorations are a must on Cupid's favourite day!

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Indoor plants

Enchanting moth orchid

Radiant white, canary yellow, but also lemon and soft orange. Pink, from powdery to hot pink. And violet shades, from lilac to purple. What's more, there are many fantastic patterns with dots, stripes, freckles and cheeky edges.

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Fikona- Perfection in green plants

Fikona is a family business based in Koningshooikt, near Antwerp, Belgium, and was founded in 1992 by Koen and Nancy. Their son Yorick and daughter Quirine joined the company in 2017 to become permanent members of the team.

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Vulcastrat the green solution

MDK Flowers & Greens is a nursery that specialises in growing large, green houseplants. The plants grow in volcanic granulate in a special hydro pot with a water meter and water reservoir.

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Indoor plants

Medinilla - A tropical beauty

Besides its graceful leaves, this beauty got amazing flowers that look like large pastel coloured bells. Once these magic bells open up, a bunch of pink flowers appear.

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